Referrals / Duels

Inviting Friends

Players can invite friends to join them in Whispervale and gain bonuses!

Click on the ALLIES button in Whispervale’s Menu bar.

Invite Allies To Join In The Adventure!

If you invite a friend (or friends) to play Whispervale, you and your friend will receive Gold Coins.

There is no limit to the amount of friends you can invite – go and earn those Gold Coins!


Click on the ALLIES button in Whispervale's Menu bar.

Duelling Your Friends!

Select Duels Enter the name of a player you want to duel. Enter the amount you want to spend. The maximum is 10,000 Gold Coins. The duel will automatically resolve and the outcome will be displayed.

Challenged by Another Player!

You can duel another player (or players) up to 10 times per day. You can be duelled by another player unlimited times per day. You can only have one duel active at any time. You can cancel an active duel.

Last updated